Friday, 7 March 2014

On faith, despair and the meaning of life

This is what Jaime told me tonight.

That I can fear, but I should not despair.

Even if I learn the worst, I should not despair.

Because when one despairs, one loses faith, one loses the meaning of life.

It is a miracle that we are here.  No matter what our life and what our state.  It is a miracle to have life at all, any life, for however long. 

Even if I learn the worst, and have to go through horrible treatments, and die in the end, I should not despair.

Because I will have lived.  And will still be living.  And as horrible as I think that life might be, it will still be life, and it will still be miraculous, and I have no right to feel that such a life is not every bit as miraculous as that of a healthy person.  

What have I done?  I have given my parents a lifetime of joy.  I met my soulmate, my beschert, at a young age, and have already spent 20 years with him.  We have created 2 beautiful beings and put them on the earth and have loved them and nurtured them.  I have touched the lives of many people.  I know I have.  And I will continue to do this, until I die, no matter what state I am in.

This is not an ode to the end of my life.  I am not convinced that what I will find out in that test will be the worst.  I fear it, but I can put it in perspective, that it is unlikely to be the worst - though it could be - because of many facts.  Though it is possible, it is simply unlikely.

But I fear it.  And out of my fear, I am still trying to learn to have faith.  Not to despair.  And I am trying to find the meaning of life, for myself, and for anyone.  I will continue to strive for it, always, even if I live to be 100 years old. 

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