Thursday, 1 May 2014

Out of the blue

Out of the blue, out of no where, I got a call from the Ottawa Hospital for an appointment for a mammogram. Ordered by my menopause doctor, whom I haven't seen for over a year. I am not saying it is a bad idea, just that I feel completely side swiped by it. Who said I needed a mammogram? Nobody has ever mentioned it. Not even once! Aren't doctors supposed to talk to you about tests they order? 

And does this even fall into the jurisdiction of a menopause doctor?Maybe she feels slighted that I haven't ever gone back to see her. The last time I went to see her was over a year ago when I was tied up to tubes. "Come back when things settle down," she had said. Well, things are just starting to settle down, but I wasn't going to rush to see her. After all, I have enough appointments and enough problems that hot flashes are really fairly low down on my list of issues.  I mean, it hasn't even been two weeks since I have been to see the osteoporosis specialist and get a vitamin d test (yes, deficient) and I haven't even filled my prescription for that yet. (As a side bar, apparently, on my chart, the osteoporosis doctor had written "patient reluctant to take osteoporosis medication". Where did she get that from? Because I asked a couple of questions??)

Back to the matter at hand. I also didn't go back to the menopause doctor because I didn't like her. She made me cry. And cry and cry and cry. I couldn't stop crying in her office.  I had just met Dr. H who had assured me that I probably didn't have cancer and that menopause was not a big deal. Then I met this doctor who spoke as if it was a done deal that I had cancer, and spoke of it very casually. And then started ramming all kinds of things about menopause down my throat. I haven't forgotten. While I was sobbing, she said, "it's a lot to take in". Yes, I'd say so.

I know she is doing the right thing by ordering this test. Probably my family doctor should have done it. It's just that I wasn't expecting to have to add "worry about mammogram test results" to my "to do" list for next week.

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