Tuesday, 9 July 2013

French, Swimming and Downton Abbey

My days are now filled with learning French (good for getting back some concentration ), swimming at the Tennis Club (makes me feel much better physically - thanks to my friend for inviting me which led me to getting my own membership!) and watching Downton Abbey (which has been successful in keeping my attention - thanks to my friend for lending me the DVD!).

I got the pool membership for me and Amrita since Aveen is at soccer all the time.  I feel a bit guilty for not having bought one for him too.  He thinks I am obsessed with swimming and that "poor Amrita's childhood is being ruined with too much swimming".  But poor Amrita is a fish and loves to swim almost as much as me, though she has requested that we go once every two or three days instead of everyday - not entirely unreasonable. But, no, we are going to go every day.  Sorry. 

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