Monday, 8 July 2013

Ici on parle francais

Today was the first day of my language training.  It wasn't too bad.  I have always liked school and learning to use the language part of my brain.  So, as long as the teachers are good and the other students in the class are okay, I enjoy it.  However, I did find it long, as I am not used to full days and I'm not used to yakking all day.  Also I am tired from the weekend and have a bit of a cold. 
Being back in "full time", I am now busy again, like everyone else.  When I was at home, everyone else seemed to me to be so busy.  It was as if my life had slowed down just when everyone else's had sped up.  Or maybe only my pace had changed. And it was just the theory of relativity playing tricks on me.  Now I feel like I am starting to catch up again.  But I am going to pace myself.
So this evening is all about eating extra spicy chicken curry to see if I can get rid of my cold. And putting everyone to bed early because we're all tired from the weekend!

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